About Us

This website is created and operated by the Howell Family and it is their mission and dedication to help others in need especially the forgotten segment of our society.
R. E. Howell - Site Founder
Ms. Howell created this site after understanding the need for individuals in prison to have contact with individuals in the "real world".  She knew that many times people are rejected by their families and friends once they enter the prison system.  Many men and women, lose everything once they enter the prison system.  If they are not serving life or on death row, when they leave the system, they are starting their life over.  Unfortunately,  many individuals who had relationship before prison, are served with divorce papers or find that their partner has moved on.  Some parents are even served with papers for custody disputs or requests for termination of parental rights. She now works to help others in similair situations and acts as a pen pal to many Christians in Texas facilities.
It is unfortunate that in today's society such a stigma is placed on individuals that are serving their sentence in prison.  She truely believes that everyone is a child of God and is due forgiveness.  Jesus said treat others as I have done to you and love one another as I have loved you.  It is with these beliefs that she has dedicated her time to starting this site.  She feels very blessed that the Lord has given her such a wonderful calling to help others.  Everyone is human and needs support & fellowship to move forward in life.
Please feel free to email her at texaspenpals@gmail.com
J. R. Howell - Technical Contact
Mr. Howell willing helps to devote his free time to writing and inspiring others to lead full and productive Chrisitian lives.  He glady helps his wife with her mission and fellowship of their Christian friends in prison.
Lulu Howell - TXPPN Mascot
The Howells were blessed with a wonderful gift of a 4-legged baby girl named Lulu.  She is our mascot and helps keep spirits high in the office.

Please note that until the processing of registering our Non-Profit Status is complete. All donations will be made directly to the Howell Family.
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